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  • Tuesday, May 23

    Exciting, exciting, exciting. I've decided to quit medicine/ophthalmology, and become a TEACHER!


    well, kinda. I didn't quit, but since I matched this year, I have a year to do something inbetween. The best option is shaking out to be something that I've wanted to do for a long time. I've often told buddies that when I'm done with medicine/ophthalmology, that I would retire and teach AP bio.

    Well, heck! It looks like I'll be reaching this particular pipe-dream a little earlier than I thought. I'll be teaching AP Bio and some other science courses in a private school in manhattan for a year. Who would have thought?! Man, I'm so excited. In fact, I think I need to give a little recognition to the dude that inspired me, my HS AP bio teacher, Mr. Kiefer.

    In retrospect, even his name is funny. Mr. Kiefer. HAHAHAHA. (ignore this if you ever come across my blog, mr. kiefer) if i remember correctly, one unique quality about him was that he was missing one of his index fingers (i think he said an alligator bit it off, but he was probably busting our nuts).

    more importantly, the guy was a brilliant/great teacher. he made bio fun, we learned the material (i think nearly everyone got 5's, some with 4's), and he showed us that nearly everying in biology made SENSE, that things had purpose and function. veins had valves for a reason, cells had organelles that did different things. despite the cursed krebs cycle, i loved that class.

    anyway, props to you, mr kiefer. i hope i can inspire students the way you inspired me.

    *edit*: this post is dedicated to cindy, "the top apple," who got me the job.

    yakob at 2:01 PM


    that's awesome man. Jacob shaping the minds of the future...how scary!
    congrats bro!
    good job. following your gf's footsteps.
    thanks, guys. i do my best to follow people i admire. :D
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