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  • the apple tree
    Friday, April 21

    (stolen from PK)

    Girls are like apples
    on trees. The best ones are at the top
    of the tree. The boys don't want to reach
    for the good ones because they are afraid of
    falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just
    get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't
    as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think
    something is wrong with them, when in reality,
    they're amazing. They just have to wait for
    the right man to come along, the one
    who's brave enough
    to climb
    all the
    way to
    the top
    of the

    Translation: Some girls are stuck up.

    Stuck way up in a tree. What are you doing in a tree? The reason why you can't find a guy is because you're in a tree. Come down to the ground where guys find girls in the real world.

    There are plenty of monkeys that climb the tree and these girls reject them because they're not "cute" enough, didn't go to the right "school", don't have the right "job", and most of all, they're too "nice."

    Guys are like monkeys. The nice ones are like Curious George and they climb the trees only to get rejected by all the apples stuck up in the tree. But the smart ones are like King Kong and they shake the ish out of the tree and all the apples fall to the ground for the pickin. After they fall to the ground, the apples yell, "choose me! choose me!" But King Kong just shook the tree for fun. What a jerk. But this makes the apples like him more.

    Curious George becomes heeby jeeby. King Kong stomps on the apples and goes after Jane on top of The Empire State Building. And there are plenty of lonely apples.

    Thus, the birth of Online Dating Services.

    thank you, PK.

    yakob at 1:54 PM


    hahahahah!!! this was an awesome post.

    long time no post... hope things are well w/ you.
    1. Fill in the blank - write the new meaning that the post has created.
    Adam's apple - ______
    Apple picking - ______
    Bobbing for apples - ______
    Eating apples - ______
    Apple juice - ______

    Hmm... and what about the Ha family?

    Haven't seen you post for a long time. WB.
    That's pretty funny, Jacob.

    Btw, I've moved.
    great stuff :)
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